Saturday, June 28, 2014

Amanda's article "The Only Way YOU Can Help Manning: Blow The Whistle," from 30 July 2013

The Only Way YOU Can Help Manning: Blow The Whistle


Bradley, who has officially been convicted of several counts of “espionage” and “theft”, will likely be behind military prison bars for many, many years to come—most likely, for the rest of his young life.

Carrying signs, holding protests, and making black-and-white videos of Hollywood actors will no longer help him. Those things had their time and place—and no doubt they informed thousands of people who may otherwise never have heard of Bradley’s heroism or “Collateral Murder”—but such things cannot help him any longer.

The U.S. Military Empire has made an example of Bradley; they have attempted to show every would-be whistleblower in the world that they will not tolerate dissent, and that any peon who would dare threaten their reign of terror in any significant way will be kidnapped, caged, and tortured. The “War On Whistleblowers” has officially begun, and there is only one way to fight it—only one way to ensure that the utter destruction of Bradley’s young life has not been in vain:

You must become a whistleblower yourself. We must all become whistleblowers. For while only a few stand – Manning, Snowden, Assange – the Empire can concentrate its stolen resources and soulless minions to the destruction of just a few lives.

But what can the Empire do if these three whistleblowers become 30? Then 300? Then 3 million? The state can only rest on the consent of its slaves. A handful of unruly slaves are easy to whip into submission, but the slave master cannot seize and whip an entire plantation of them in revolt. And even if he could, what would be the point? The purpose of public whippings is to instill fear of punishment into the other slaves. If none of them is around to watch, there is nothing to be gained.

It is confirmed that Bradley Manning’s life has been destroyed. It is the monstrous hands of the state that are stained in his blood. The only thing we can do for him now – the only way Bradley’s plight has not been in vain – is if we become him. If we carry on his goal to shine the light of truth onto the injustice, extortion, and murder which are the hallmarks of any nation-state, and most especially of any military empire.

Honor Bradley. Thank him. Vindicate his sacrifice—blow the whistle.

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